MSpa Soft Hot Tubs
MSpa hot tubs are designed to help you enjoy life’s moments to the fullest.
Carefully crafted to stimulate the senses and resonate deep within.
As a globally renowned spa provider, we focus on bringing luxury spa experiences to more homes, easier. Find peace for your mind, body, and soul in our modern inflatable spas packed with high tech features and aesthetic design. Get healthy, enjoy life, and enjoy the moment with MSpa.

Zoe and Steve are settling into the semi-retired life. They now live in Bakewell, a part of the UK just south of the peak districts. As former laywers, they have worked hard throughout their lives and are now able to take a step back to enjoy the beauty of their surroundings. The quiet area they live with is surrounded by nature and a contrast to the city lives they had while working. Both Zoe and Steve love nothing more than walks through nature with their dogs.

“It’s really important to me to have time to spend with Steve, to spend with the animals, and managing our day to make sure we can use the time effectively for each other”
– Zoe

Back when the couple were busy lawyers in the big city, it was difficult to find time for each other. Now that they’ve moved a little more out of the bustle they were used to, Zoe and Steve are cherishing time together again and making sure to savour every minute of it. The couple ensures to spend quality moments with each other and also their many animals and make the best out of semi-retired life.
“This is what we have worked for so
we are now living our dream”

“For me getting into the spa after riding or training with the horses is super relaxing and really relaxes all of my muscles and my brain as well.”
Zoe’s intense horse riding is although thrilling, both physically and mentally exhausting, so having her spa allows her to recharge and relax for another day of riding. It also provides the perfect environment to bond with Steve.
For Zoe and Steve, their moment with MSpa is quality time together.

“The difference the spas made is its given us time together to just relax. To be in that spa with the warmth and the bubbles is just quality time together.” – Steve