Hot Tub School

Spa Boy Duo

Sometimes one isn't enough! With heavier-use or larger Hot Tubs, such as the Summit XL, or for Swim Spas, adding a second Electrode to keep up with sanitization demands can be helpful. You can even add one to your existing...

New Soft Sided Plug & Play Hot Tub!

New Soft Sided Plug & Play Hot Tub!

This ultra portable hot tub has been exploding in popularity in Europe over the last 2 years. Now for the first time in Canada it is available from Arctic Spas Vancouver Island. The Mono is a great spa for the cabin, summer...

Hot Tub Sale!

Hot Tub Sale!

Sale on now! There is no better, healthier way to deal with the chilly damp winter than your own hot tub.Hot Tub Technology has changedLets Talk: 250-597-7775Massive Discounts & Fast Delivery!ultra portable soft spas from...

Post 4

Post 4

Quisque in purus nec nisi sagittis tincidunt vitae sed mi. Phasellus ante ex, facilisis id libero sed, pellentesque consequat quam. Ut lobortis lectus a suscipit porttitor. Pellentesque sed porttitor tellus, id commodo sapien....

Post 3

Post 3

Morbi volutpat laoreet arcu, ullamcorper mollis felis tempor sit amet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla ut gravida urna. Donec pulvinar ipsum libero, sit amet congue erat gravida non. Sed vestibulum fermentum euismod. Morbi ac...

Post Title 2

Post Title 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ullamcorper ligula in pharetra sagittis. Praesent faucibus nisi ex, a mattis nunc ornare dapibus. Proin commodo ullamcorper eros, quis maximus sem scelerisque a....

Post Title 1

Post Title 1

Etiam interdum nulla sit amet eros luctus, sed tristique erat feugiat. Fusce et ornare odio. Mauris porta dolor id lorem tincidunt, non tincidunt tellus gravida. Fusce sit amet turpis at nisi consequat mollis. Quisque in purus...